The time spent creating scenarios in your mind that haven’t even happened yet could probably give you an extra vacation month every year.
Imagine if those scenarios actually happened?
Did we manifest it?
Can we create our future by just thinking about it?
Surely it can’t be that simple.
Because, let’s keep it real, we all sit and think about being rich and not having to work but that hasn’t happened yet.
But how many times have we thought about something bad happening?
Someone cheating, someone getting fired, someone switching up on you.
And all we do is sit and say, “yep, called it.”
Why does only the bad things we think about, come to fruition?
Are we only able to manifest bad things?
Why do we give so much power to things that haven’t even happened yet?
Should the saying actually be “expect the worst, hope it isn’t as bad as it’s going to be?”
We sit and we think, and we give power to scenarios, situations and arguments that have either already happened or haven’t happened yet.
We’re manifesting nothing.
If we can manifest, why not manifest the best?
Stop thinking about what you should have said, or when you should have left, or how you should have handled that situation differently.
Let’s start small.
Manifest waking up early.
Manifest having time to journal, workout, or saving money and taking your lunch that day.
Manifest something.
Manifest that you’re not going to allow the what-ifs and maybes to creep up and ruin your day.
Manifest that you’re going to do one small thing before you just plop yourself on the couch when you get home.
Because sure, we all had a long day and deserve rest.
But sometimes what you really deserve is getting your ass up and doing one productive thing you’ve been putting off or that could set you up for a better tomorrow.
Because if we’re being really real, look at the date on my last blog post.
I spent a year telling myself no one will read it, no one cares, you don’t have anything important to say.
But to be honest, who gives a fuck?
This is for ME.
Who cares if no one reads it, you write because you enjoy writing.
Imagine not doing something you enjoy because you think other people won’t enjoy a hobby that’s probably not something they’d ever enjoy, no matter who wrote it.
Are you not doing what you enjoy because you don’t want to be embarrassed?
Because honestly, you’re manifesting the worst when you haven’t even done it yet.
I was worried about people not reading a post that I hadn’t even written yet.
Are you expecting the worst because you can’t imagine it actually working out?
We manifest too much nothing.
And ultimately, we spend time and energy on things that, honestly, aren’t really that important.
Faith without works is dead.
We have to stop thinking and start doing.
We can’t keep living in the past or even the future.
Stop thinking of what could happen and switch it to, “no matter what happens, I’m going to be okay.”
Because you can’t stop things from happening.
But you can stop manifesting things that probably aren’t even going to happen, or already have.
Start thinking of what you deserve, what you’re going to allow and what you’re going to welcome.
We’re not settling for less anymore.
We’re getting up with a clear mind and doing good things.
We’re manifesting something because we’re worth everything.